I'd like to revisit a subject I've touched on only briefly before in these pages.
When you were in High School and College, did your English or Literature teachers try to convince you that some steaming pile of pus-infused dogshit was actually a "Classic?" Were phrases like "needs to be taken in the context of its time" and "The Sir Lord-Alfred Wimbleberry IV translation is considered definitive" used to aggrandize the worthless shitheap?
Considered the 'Best Novel Ever Written' by many scholars who need to get out more, "The Brothers Karamazov" ranks #1 on the MFDC List of Worst Books Of All Time.
Here's my synopsis-
"The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
"My name is Alyosha, and I'm a complete retard!" cried Alyosha.
"I, too, am a complete retard!" cried Dmitri. "A loud, broke retard!" amended Dmitri.
"I'm a walking cliche, but only if you're familiar with the Russian peasant culture that existed during the time this novel was written!" cried Fyodor.
(Fyodor is murdered. Dmitri questions the nature of man and God for 8 MILLION FUCKING PAGES.)
"I'm going to Siberia!" cried Dmitri. "OH FUCK!" he exclaimed.
And there you have it. There really is not much else to it than that.
It's difficult to believe that Fyodor Dostoevsky is the same man who wrote "Crime And Punishment," which is perhaps the most captivating and accurate portrayal of flawed human nature ever committed to paper. The "context of its time" is irrelevant; the themes of "C & P" are universal. The only reason to pick up a book by a Russian author is because you want to feel absolutely fucking miserable, so if you're looking for a good downer I recommend it.
But then again, what do I know? I actually liked "Atlas Shrugged."
MFDC Synopsis of "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand-
Who is John Galt?
"Um, I am," said John Galt while lighting his new cigarette off the one he just finished. "I am an uber-capitalist stud and I will make the world safe for free trade among people just as impossibly perfect as I am. I will also give Dagny, the female protagonist, the kind of sexual thrashing that Ayn is so clearly missing in her life. Oh, and smoking is good for you."