Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nephew = Awesome

Play Hard.
Play Hard.

Sleep Hard.
Sleep Hard.



Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yanni Is BACK!

The Hair. The Moustache. The 7/8 Time. The C-Major Noodling. Again, that Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL Moustache.

Yanni. Is. Back!

Yanni, everyone's favorite women's advocate, has returned with a new live set recorded in Las Vegas.

Now I know what my NRG peeps are thinking: "But MFDC... wasn't Live At The Acropolis the definitive live Yanni performance?"

I would authoritatively retort, "While Acropolis WAS his finest moment, he hasn't ceased to be a live Easy Listening force to be reckoned with."

Then I would say, "Holy Christ, I'm a GAYLORD."

Also, I would say that you were "garbage" and, as such, "should be packing [your] things in garbage bags."

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Coolest. Thing. Ever.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Quote of the Day

"Applejack is like douche for UNIX."


Monday, August 14, 2006

Inspirational Thought of the Day

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Haiku of the Day

A "Red Alert." Hmmmmm...
Republi-Nazi liars
changing the subject?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Sore Loserman

Joe Lieberman is complicit in the deaths of nearly 3000 American servicemen and women as well as untold hundreds of thousands Iraqis and Afghanis.

Having just lost the Democratic primary, he's announced his intention to run as an independent. The blatant contempt that he holds for the will of the voters is proof positive that Joe Lieberman has become 100% Republican.

Let's bury this motherfucker.

If you have it, donate-
Contribute to Ned Lamont

Email Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and demand that Joe Lieberman be stripped of ALL of his committee assignments-
Email Harry Reid

Cali peeps should inform our 2 Democratic Senators that we expect them to support Lamont in the general election-
Email Dianne Feinstein
Email Barbara Boxer

"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God."
-attributed to many Very Smart Dudes, like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, William Penn, Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Kato Kalin, and Yanni.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

iTunes: Introspective Vag-Rock And More

Vienna Teng, one of my faves, released "Dreaming Through The Noise" a couple of weeks ago. I'm still wrapping my head around it; it's far more nuanced and sophisticated than her previous work (which was already Smarter Than Your Average Bear.) It's holding up to repeated listening so far, though, and I love her voice in any context.


I ask you, what pop music collection would be complete without these turds-

"All For Love"
"Everybody Have Fun Tonight"

I expect you all to Wang Chung tonight.

No, really. If you're not all furiously Wang Chunging after sundown, I'll hit you with a pipe. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Haiku of the Day

Bootable backups;
Entropy can bite my ass!
Productive downtime.