Monday, May 29, 2006

Mack On Some Cupcakes

This is me in Manhattan with an empty box.

About 20 seconds earlier, the box had contained scrumpt-motherfucking-diddly-umptious Magnolia Cupcakes.

I highly recommend a trip to Magnolia when you're in NYC. If you don't Luuuuuuuurv these cupcakes you must be some kind of hideously evil cuntwad.

Thanks to Deebo for taking this photo and eating half of the cupcakes!

Haiku of the Day

I can hear the sounds
of my homies on Hooper;
Brooklyn Represent!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Haiku of the Day

Waiting For Godot
Even shit can be genius
when you're living it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Quote of the Day

"No, I actually take prescription medication for its intended purpose... which, when put explicitly into words like that, really drives the point home that I'm a fucking square."


Stop And Smell The Bamboo

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Neil Young: Living With War

Monday, May 08, 2006

UPDATE: Carter Vanilli Hooks My Shit UP

Kristoffer Carter, gentleman and scholar (mostly gentleman,) has come to my rescue with MP3's of Milli Vanilli's album "Girl You Know It's True." Despite the Liberal Media's best efforts to bury this gem in the Shitpile of Time, it's now assured that future generations will be able to enjoy such lyrics as:

"Like a honeybee you took the best of me.
Now I can't erase those memories.
Like a fairytale you were so unreal.
You left a scar that's so hard to heal."

Speaking of "I'm Gonna Miss You," it's clear now where Fer found his inspiration for the beat of "Good Morning." I'm just saying.

Thanks, Kris!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Conspiracy Of Silence: Milli Vanilli, MFDC and The Cunts Of Navarone

In recent years, the blogosphere has become THE source for news and information that the ass-licking sycophants of The Mainstream Media have missed or willfully buried. President Gimpy McFucktard is using the Constitution as a cumrag at the Big-Oil Orgy, but who gives a shit when Brangelina is about to squirt out the most attractive placenta EVER?

It is in the spirit of this renegade journalism that I bring you the following fact, a revelation that is as absent from the MSM as an accurate count is from a Diebold voting machine:

Milli Vanilli's seminal debut album, "Girl You Know It's True," is fucking OUT OF PRINT!

Obviously, several questions come to mind at once.

How is this possible? Is it being readied for re-release? Has the price of oil made the manufacture of non-essential petroleum -based items cost-prohibitive? What kind of fucking tool would decide that GYKIT is "non-essential?" And lastly, WHY THE FUCK WAS I NOT INFORMED??? You're FIRED, Imaginary Lackey!

I'm sending out a general call for help to my peeps in The Biz with contacts at Arista Records: Find out the status of GYKIT and report back! Sealed copies of the CD are going for over $40.00 on ebay, and I refuse to submit to that kind of Exxon-style price gouging.

Don't force me to learn how to use Limewire.

(BTW, "The Cunts Of Navarone" has nothing to do with anything. It's just this phrase that's stuck in my head. Yeah. It's awesome being me.)

Monday, May 01, 2006


The Panda-Cam is fucking AWESOME.