Tuesday, September 18, 2007

MFDC's BBQ Chicken Chunks

So I TOTALLY cooked tonight.

Due to the inability of a certain electronics manufacturer *coughcoughMAGMAcough* to deliver their new product in anything remotely resembling a timely fashion, and also due to the inexplicable back-order of Logic 8 (I FINALLY decide to dive into that incomprehensible piece of shit, and now I have to wait?), I have been forced to find creative ways to fill up my enforced downtime. All of my software has been updated, systems debugged, new gear installed, old gear UN-installed, all the usual porn sites browsed, etc., but eventually I needed some novel new THINGY to focus on.

I have taken lately to buying and sometimes prepping the dinner food while MFDG is working out after work. I can chop broccoli like a pro, y'all. Today I had a crazy idea: why not COOK the food too?

So how the fuck do I do that? I "pre-heated" the oven to 350˚ (Fahrenheit, natch,) because I remembered that the DG once did the same thing. What was she cooking? I don't know. But 350˚ is pretty fucking hot, so I figured it would cook the chicken pieces one way or another. At the same time, I boiled some Brita water for the French Beans I bought. What makes them French? I don't know. They're skinny and presumably against the war.

I have to say it turned out pretty good!



Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Haiku of the Day

We got fucking LOST.
Then? We went and saw pandas!
I took some pictures.