I bought my Mac in January 2002.
It was a single-processor 933-MHz Quicksilver. At the time, Pro Tools didn't support dual-processors or OSX, so I got the fastest single-processor machine available at the time. I loaded it up with a full gig of RAM, a Super Drive, a Zip drive, Pro Tools 5.3 (the first revision to add High Definition Audio capability,) a SCSI card, and, of course, 3 brand-spankin' new Pro Tools HD PCI cards. I thought I was The Shit, and to be honest, I WAS The Shit.
Not very long after the system was put together I started recording Seether's
Disclaimer, and we were off!
The computer never had a name, nor did I call it a "he" or "she." I referred to it as "the computer," "the Pro Tools machine," "the fucking computer," "goddamn computer," "you bitch-ass little twat, you will fucking work fucking NOW," etc.
Pro Tools 5 became Pro Tools 6 running on OSX, which became Pro Tools 7 which became Pro Tools 7.2. HD Process cards became HD Accel cards while removable-SCSI faded as the media of choice among professional engineers as Firewire became more reliable. G4's became G5's and and then PPC disappeared entirely with the introduction of the Intel-based Mac Pro. All the while my 933-MHz Quicksilver soldiered on as reliably as a computer running Pro Tools can through hundreds of projects (while collecting, as of this writing, 2,565 pictures of naked ladies. Woot.)
With the introduction of Pro Tools 7.21 for Mac Pro, it was time to face the need for a more modern machine, one with USB-2 and Firewire 800 capability and enough native processing horsepower to run sequencers and virtual instruments simultaneously with Pro Tools.
Next week I will likely be starting the long, excruciating process of converting my entire rig from the 933 MHz PPC to the new 2.66 GHz Quad-Core UB Mac Pro. I didn't want to let the occasion pass without a salute to my comrade-in-arms who's been with me from Seether's Gold
Disclaimer in 2002 to John Fogerty's Platinum
The Long Road Home In Concert in 2006.
Enjoy your retirement, friend. You've earned it!