Saturday, October 29, 2005


I'm #1!!

Well... I'M not #1. Kelly Clarkson is #1. Also, her co-writers Ben Moody and David Hodges are # 1. I just engineered "Because of You." Regardless, I'm going to live vicariously through K, B, and D and do me some celebratin'! Woot!

Cut me some slack. Engineers don't get much fun outside of buying new gear and internet pornography. Even the sale of infants on the black market has lost some of the novelty and become "just a job."

I'm kind of #1!


"There are places I remember, all my life, though some have changed..."

Allow me to be maudlin for a moment. Actually, if you have some kind of problem with that, then you can pretty much go and suck the bacteria out of donkey-shit.

I just returned from Nashville where I was doing some recording at Starstruck Studios on Music Row. The last time I'd visited was 8 years and a whole lifetime ago, but very little seems to have changed. Everyone is still polite, Goo-Goo Clusters are fucking EVERYWHERE, and the background music in most establishments is a forcible reminder that outside of LA, people listen to and even ENJOY country music. I even saw this thingie every morning as I left the hotel-

I also saw this thingie-

The "thingie" being CJ Sorg- IU pal, partner-in-crime, and fellow Rooster-hunter. I only had a few minutes to say hello, but next time I plan to build some time into the schedule to visit him and his "wife" and "child'" who I'm pretty sure still exist!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Nashville Goatee and Quote of the Day

This Snoop Bloggy Blog needs an update. Have you ever been so busy that even interesting, blog-worthy things are too much of an effort to write? Yeah, that's where I'm at.

Ergo, the story of how the retarded bitch at Supercuts actually cut a FUCKING HOLE into my beard and made me look like a Mandled Mennonite will have to wait for another day. Ditto the urinal splash-back at the gym and my impending trip to Nashville.

Which reminds me: CJ, my new goatee and I are going to be in Nashville.


Quote of the Day-

"Clearly she was too busy stuffing herself full of dirty emo-boy cock."


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Haiku of the Day

The Early Bird can fuck off.
I hit "snooze" 5 times!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Haiku of the Day

Burgers and soft-core;
When life's too complicated,
get back to basics.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Metal Up Your Ass

"Roadrunner United: The All Star Sessions" is out today! I recorded Dez Fafara's vocals for the track "Baptized in the Redemption."


On a completely unrelated note, Kelly Clarkson's "Because Of You" was #2 in total spins this week at Pop Radio. Woot.

You may have noticed that none of this good news is on my front page. It's possible that my "webmaster" thought I was "just kidding" when I sent the "updates."

Monday, October 10, 2005

Quote of the Day

"If you introduce My Little Pony to the little girls of Cuba, Castro is fucking DONE. FINISHED."


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Haiku of the Day

I am displaying
some genuine empathy.
May I have my check?